flemington nj

Free, Fast Delivery from Printech!

As we follow the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the health and safety of our employees and customers remains our top priority.  Printech is currently running normal business hours and…

Grab a Diamond Heart Gift Card!

Diamond Heart Studios is currently closed to help protect our employees and community from the spread of COVID-19. We will be reopening as soon as possible.  Please keep an eye…

Stuff A Plushie Kits & More – Chirp Workshop!

Stuff-a-Plushie To Go Kits at other fun projects are available to make at home.  If you are interested please send me a message via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/chirpworkshop/  Each kit is $20…

Order Prints Online with Black Lab Imaging!

Keep on creating!  We will be creating a series of live webinars to promote our services. Join us to learn how to organize your families memories recorded on tapes, prints,…

Easter Bunny Express Train Ride

Hop aboard the Easter Bunny Express! This event is a classic springtime train ride, departing from Flemington Station, on the Black River and Western Railroad. The ride features a chance…

Health Seminar: Happiness Begins in the Gut

Listen to your gut and join us for our first health seminar at Social Norm with Leslie Weinman, founder of Live Well Nutrition. Leslie will be discussing how you can…

Game-U Summer Camp: Minecraft Modding

Minecraft fans ages 8-12 learn how to “Mod” (or modify) Minecraft using easy, age-appropriate methods. Campers create their own original mods that they can share with friends in multiplayer! Full-day…

Comedy Night at Social Norm

Join us on March 12th for our second comedy show at Social Norm featuring Aaron Berg. Aaron Berg is a stand-up comic who lives in New York City. He performs…